Martin Stolworthy presented his second session of the Mines and Minerals of Cumbria on today’s Micromount Club Zoom session. You can catch the first part here, and today’s second part here.
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A lot of collectors like fluorite. Whether it be for the isometric (cubic) symmetry (for those that might be a little obsessive-compulsive 😁), the range of colours and zoning, the fluorescence, or for other reasons. This specimen is from Wheal Remfrey China Clay Pit, Saint Enoder, Cornwall, and has good colour and zoning with darker edges, but no fluorescence. I have not had the opportunity to collect in Cornwall although it is one of my favourite mineral-producing areas. I have only been there once. I was about 9 or 10 years old at the time on a family holiday, a long time before I became interested in minerals. But fortunately, I have been able to acquire some specimens from friends, this one from Richard Bell 15 or more years ago. Width of view 3.5mm. Stack of 55 images. Steve Sorrell specimen and photo. Click on the image below for a higher resolution version.
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