Membership is normally open to UK residents only, and applications are invited from active micromounters, or persons seriously interested in starting micromounting.
Subscriptions are due on January 1st each year, and the current amount is £15.00 Single and £18.00 Family membership, in the UK and : £15 Single, £18.00 Family, Overseas Applications for membership should be sent to :
David Binns, 3 The Dene, Hastings, East Sussex, TN35 4PD
You can download a membership form from this page as a Word document or a Text document.
It was decided at the 2014 AGM that as from January 1st 2016 the subscription fee would be raised to £15.00. This is to cover the increased cost of producing and sending the Newsletter, and increasing costs of the Society insurance and to make sure there would be enough money to cover any other eventuality. Family and Overseas will now be the same as UK Members.